ENVITECC at PFAS Side Event at BRS Conventions 2023 COPs

ENVITECC participated to the Side Event “PFAS contamination and experiences on their phase-out in firefighting foams” co-organized by Finland and MedWaves (former SCP/RAC) on 2 May 2023 during the 2023 Conference of Parties (COPs) of the Basel/Rotterdam/Stockholm (BRS) Conventions in Geneva, Switzerland.
ENVITECC is one of the eight Child Projects under the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded MedProgramme (2020-2024) and designed as an Environmental Technology Transfer Programme. MedWaves, the co-organizer of the PFAS Side Event, is one of the Executing Partners of the MedProgramme.
EBRD ENVITECC and MedWaves jointly presented the ongoing PFAS prevention activities under the MedProgramme. ENVITECC supports public and private companies in the identification, removal and replacement of PFAS in operations through investment grants as well as technical cooperation support.
ENVITECC’s mandate is to accelerate depollution activities in the Mediterranean Sea Region and GEF funds under ENVITECC are available for eight countries across the Mediterranean Sea Region, namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Lebanon, Montenegro, Morocco, Tunisia, and Türkiye.
Recently, ENVITECC-funded POPs Technology Guide study is published which includes off-the-shelf technologies for the responsible management of POPs in the Mediterranean Region. A core aim is for ENVITECC to contribute to a broader effort that boosts adoption of best available techniques (BATs) and best environmental practices (BEPs) in PFAS management.
Recording of the PFAS Side Event is available at MedWaves YouTube Channel.