Second Annual Stocktaking Meeting of the MedProgramme

20 May 2024

Second Annual Stocktaking Meeting (ASM) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded MedProgramme took place on 22-24 April 2024 in Podgorica, Montenegro.

ASM was organized by UNEP/MAP, the lead executing agency of the MedProgramme, and convened in cooperation with the GEF Implementing Agencies UNEP and the EBRD, and the co-executing partners of the eight Child Projects of the MedProgramme.

The objective of the ASM was to enable face-to-face knowledge exchanges and promote broader adoption of MedProgramme’s approaches and solutions. This was achieved through synergistic interactions among the Child Projects while providing an opportunity to engage with a broad audience of peers and stakeholders sharing similar objectives within the overarching goal of achieving environmental security in the Mediterranean Basin.

The ASM was built around three key modules: (1) keynote lectures; (2) roundtable discussions; and (3) panel discussions.

EBRD, as one of the implementing agencies of the MedProgramme, delivered a keynote lecture on “Blended Financing Models in the Water Sector” and also co-led a roundtable with MedWaves titled “The invisible threat: New POPs in Water – Challenges in Detection and Prevention”.

More information on the second ASM is available here.