ENVITECC’s Ongoing Support to Private and Public Companies

02 Feb 2022

In 2021, ENVITECC supported POPs audits with companies in Tunisia and Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of pre-investment support to assess the presence of POPs and safe removal and disposal options. 

ENVITECC offers private and public companies a combination of EBRD co-financing and Global Environment Facility (GEF) grants complemented with investments from other co-financiers, to promote investments in wastewater treatment and recycling and to reduce or eliminate persistent organic pollutants (POPs). It supports advanced environmental technologies with the aim of creating cleaner coasts and water systems in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Lebanon, Montenegro, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey. The Programme provides technical assistance support as pre-investment POPs/water audits, development of Gender Action Plans and POPs and water/wastewater technology guides with the aim of integrating appropriate technologies through the EBRD’s Green Technology Selector. The Programme also includes a policy dialogue component to support Green City Action Plans and to develop industrial depollution roadmaps.