First Annual Stocktaking Meeting of the MedProgramme
First Annual Stocktaking Meeting (ASM) of the MedProgramme took place on 2-3 November 2022 in Athens, Greece.
ASM was jointly organised by the MedProgramme implementing agencies UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the EBRD together with the lead executing agency UNEP/MAP and the co-executing partners of the eight Child Projects of the MedProgramme.
Representatives from the governments of Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Tunisia and Türkiye participated to the first ASM.
EBRD, as one of the implementing agencies of the MedProgramme, delivered two presentations summarising its activities under the GEF Focal Areas of International Waters and Chemicals and Waste.
More information on the first ASM is available at UNEP/MAP website.