FINTECC (Finance and Technology Transfer Centre for Climate Change) is a programme that helps companies in participating EBRD countries of operations to implement innovative climate technologies.
ENVITECC (Financing Advanced Environmental Technologies in the Mediterranean Sea Region for Water Systems and Clean Coasts) is a programme that helps private and publicly-owned businesses in the target countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Lebanon, Montenegro, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey) to implement advanced environmental technologies in wastewater treatment and recycling and POPs elimination and reduction. This objective is achieved with support from a combination of GEF funds within the International Waters (IW) and Chemicals and Waste (C&W) focal areas with EBRD co-financing and, where possible, complemented with investments from other co-financiers and/or sponsors equity.
Participating countries
The FINTECC programme is active in seventeen countries, in several areas within the overall EBRD region of operations.
The ENVITECC Programme is active in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Lebanon, Montenegro, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey amongst the EBRD’s Countries of Operation bordering the Mediterranean Sea.
Latest news
GEF ENVITECC at Regional PCB Workshop
Donor support is vital to FINTECC and ENVITECC work, as their resources and expertise allow the Bank to invest in sustainable projects that improve living conditions and economic opportunities.