Policy support

Businesspeople in meeting

FINTECC works with governments in participating regions to create enabling policy environments for climate technology investments. Our policy support is aimed at implementing legislative and regulatory reforms, with a focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy policies that lead to deployment of the best available climate technologies and equipment.

How does policy support work?

An initial consultation phase evaluates potential areas for policy support, within a participating country. This includes a screening process, to prioritise the different options. Focused policy support assignments are then implemented in the relevant climate technology related areas.

Screenings take place on the basis of: 

  • A country’s needs, based on their current progress with considering, establishing or implementing policy option
  • A country’s willingness to use the products of the policy support
  • After a screening, experts communicate with the country’s government, to confirm the need for policy support and carry out the specified assignments.

To ensure the world class quality of the policy support, the EBRD collaborates with, and draws on information from other initiatives, such as:

  • The Collaborative Labelling & Appliance Standards Program
  • The Clean Energy Solution Centre
  • Efficient Electrical End-Use Equipment
  • The International Energy Agency
  • FAO

Policy assignments may be undertaken on a range of policy topics, focused on promoting climate technologies and equipment, including:

  • Adoption of relevant international best practice/strategic policy instruments, such as National Energy Efficiency Action Plans
  • Development of minimum energy performance standards and labelling legislation and regulations
  • Drafting amendments to primary or secondary legislation, to enable financing of climate technologies
  • Development of effective monitoring and enforcement strategies for climate technologies policies.

Where policy foundations already exist, we will work with governments to improve and strengthen them. If the policies fundamentals have not yet been created, we can help to develop them.

Establishing and maintaining high standards in legislative frameworks can help create a level playing field for businesses to improve their resource efficiency and gain the associated financial benefits.

Where is policy support available?

We have completed policy support work in Kazakhstan and are beginning work in Ukraine, the Early Transition Countries (ETCs) and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED). For more information on the available policy support in your country, select a region below:

Early Transition Countries (ETCs)
Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED)